Thursday, August 21, 2014

!send us possible uses for the newly available thisisthekit tea towel

here are some we've collected thus far

(the tea towels in questions are available from us at gigs or from our website)

Thursday, August 7, 2014


so yes. we no have black gym team t-shirts in sizes mens medium and mens large. we also, i might add, have  some white jane stables  shoulder carry drawing shirts sizes mens large 
and women's small medium and large.
but alas for the time being we still have run out of  mens medium and small of the white shoulder carry design.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

thisisthekit gigs for the rest of the summer will be thus....

the thisisthekit gigs for the rest of the summer will be thus....

Thu 21 August
Rooftop Sessions @ Southbank Centre
Tickets available from:
Mon 25 August 
The Hop
Tickets available from:

Tue 26 August 
The Musician
Tickets available from:

and here are some photos of the summer gigs so far: